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UK Emergency Medical Transport

Secure Mental Health Ambulance Transport

Secure Patient Transport Services

Call Us Today !


        01204 402030

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We provide an urgent Response Service, for the movement and care of people with a mental health illness. 


We provide a professional, reliable and compassionate service

managing vulnerable adults safely,with dignity and respect.

Our Secure Mental Health Ambulances consist of Ambulance Crews, Registered Mental Health Nurses ( RMN )

and a dedicated Mental Health Support Team.

We have dedicated teams with expertise in areas, including learning difficulties and disabilities,

autism and aspergers, dementia, child and adolescent mental health care.


We are committed to understanding each of our Patient’s needs

and delivering high standards of care, to patients with a wide range of mental health illnesses.


UK Emergency Medical Transport Secure Mental Health Ambulance Teams,

include both male and female, who are able to offer a full range of skills,

helping to ensure that our Patients medical needs, safety and security, is met whilst in our care.

Our Secure Mental Health Ambulance Teams offer a wide ranging skill mix, including mental health inpatient services,

learning disability inpatient services, police and custody mental health services and other valued life skills.


UK Emergency Medical TransportSecure Mental Health Ambulance Teams are trained and compliant in ;

  • Basic Life Support

  • Airway Management

  • Assessing Patients Health, before and during transfer

  • Moving and Handling Techniques

  • Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution

  • Risk Assessments


  • Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults and Children

  • Mental Health Legislation and Section Paper Scrutiny and Compliance

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